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Setsubun 節分


Setsubun 節分_c0215031_16550401.gif

February 3rd is called ''Setsubun'' or seasonal division. In old days, people were afraid that evil demons would come and attack them. People scatter handful of beans on the day in order to ward off the demons.

Eho-maki & Lucky Beans
We shout ‘’Demons out! Fortune in!’’ while scattering roasted beans called ‘’Fukumame’’. After that, we eat the beans, we are supposed to eat beans a grain more than our own age. These days eating a big sushi roll called ‘’E-maki’’ is also popular. This custom is derived from Kansai region and now has spread nationally. This year’s lucky direction is ‘’West-South-West’’.058.gif


by connection-eigo | 2015-02-02 16:57